Showcase [news]

17 May 2017 | Categories:

The Showcase album in the Irwin Allen Gallery presents creative projects from fans around the world.  If you are an artist, designer etc. who would like to have your Irwin Allen related work showcased in the Irwin Allen Gallery and on the Irwin Allen News Network (IANN) site, please feel free to send in photos (...)

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Actor Gallery [news]

16 May 2017 | Categories:

We have arranged the Actor gallery in two parts.  The first part showcases the Irwin Allen TV show regulars, and the second part is an A to Z of all the movie and guest star actors who featured throughout the Irwin Allen productions.

If you can help with photos/articles/collectibles relating to any of the actors, actresses, extras, standins and stunt people who appeared in the Irwin Allen productions, please let us know.  We will credit contributors with each picture shown in (...)

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Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Collectibles [news]

17 May 2010 | Categories:

Many Irwin Allen related collectibles are showcased in this gallery.  If you have any Irwin Allen collectibles you think other fans would enjoy seeing, please let us know.

The latest collectible gallery featured here is for the Aurora Seaview model kits courtesy of Dave Holderbaum.

You can also view many Voyage toys and model kits in the Irwin (...)

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