How to Participate

There are many ways to be a part of the Irwin Allen News Network (IANN) and you are welcome to submit photos, articles and creative work relating to the Irwin Allen productions, performers and crew members for possible inclusion on the IANN site and newsletters. Please use the email button on the IANN Contact Page to send contributions together with your name, location and any information relating to the material you send.

Examples of material that may interest viewers:

  • Photographs or scans of Irwin Allen collectibles and collections
  • Photographs and reports from relevant events
  • Art and creative work
  • Model builds
  • Feature articles promoting different aspects of the Irwin Allen productions
  • Research
  • Trivia, knowledge and observations on any of the Irwin Allen productions
  • Biographical information, photographs, clippings, articles etc. on Irwin Allen, his performers and production crew
  • Information of historical importance

Please let us know how you would like to be credited, for example, full name, initials, first or last name, or nickname.

If possible, please send original high-resolution photographs or scans which we will scale and optimise for the Internet.  Everything shown in this gallery is presented in web resolution.  Larger views of original creative work may be shown on the main IANN pages.

If you are marketing any licensed products or have published any books or articles and would like to have them showcased in this gallery, please send us any suitable photographs together with all of the item details, and we will add them under the relevant collectibles section.

When sending in event photographs, please check first with any other fans shown in the pictures that they are happy to have their picture or name appear on the IANN pages.

Thank you very much in advance for any material you can share with fellow readers.  Your help with keeping Irwin Allen's work in the public eye and preserving his productions for future generations will be much appreciated.

Please note that we are not able to use material from other websites without permission from and credit to the content owners.

These pages are intended to be informative, whilst respecting the copyright of items displayed. We therefore cannot show complete or high resolution versions of in print articles, but will show enough so that readers can identify whether they have the item or not to enable them to seek out back issues of publications etc. We will try to provide whatever information is known about issue numbers and dates to aid the search for the original publications. Please also refer to the IANN site for reference information on book and magazine publications.

All photographs from the Irwin Allen productions are copyright of their respective studios/production companies. Books and magazine articles are copyright of the authors and publications. Also, photographs of events, collections etc. are copyright of each individual photographer and artists retain copyright of their original work.